Jingle Bell Run/Walk® is a fun, festive event for the whole family! This is a great way to kick off the holidays by helping others! Participants wear their reindeer antlers and/or themed costumes, and tie jingle bells to their shoelaces and run or walk a 5 kilometer route with their team members to celebrate the season by giving. This year there will also be 3 and 1 mile Fun Runs, and a Reindeer Run for kids ages 8 and under. Registration fee is only $25 online. For more event information visit http://jinglebellrunlexington.kintera.org. Why? The prevalence of arthritis or chronic joint symptoms is surging and affecting approximately 50 million Americans. Over 1 million of those Americans are residents of the state of South Carolina with roughly 4,000 being children under the age of 18. The Arthritis Foundation Jingle Bell Run/Walk raises awareness and to help prevent, control, and cure arthritis and related diseases.