Option Media Marketing Mastemind Group

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Name: Option Media Marketing Mastemind Group
Date: October 19, 2012
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Event Description:

A mastermind group is a combination of brainstorming, problem solving, education, support and accountability.  It's similar to group coaching, except it's more of a peer-coaching environment. 

Participants challenge each other to think creatively, step outside their comfort zone to achieve success, and set goals.  Members hold each other accountable to achieving their goals, and we offer ongoing support and feedback via my online forum, phone calls and one on one meetings. Please go to http://www.optionmediallc.com/mastermind for more information for information on how you can register an event and build your business!

910 Meeting Street
West Columbia, SC 29169
Contact Information:
Emily Wright at 803-767-4817
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