If you are a nursing mother, come hear Dr. Adam Hahn speak at the aAril meeting of the South Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition about tongue and lip tie, the importance of surgical treatment. Upper lip tie and tongue tie interferes with natural breastfeeding.
Dr. Hahn will also educate the group on common allergies such as environmental allergens and allergies to cow's milk that can lead to problems with TMJ disorder, sleep apnea, and snoring for children as the grow into adulthood. He will give tips on what you can do to protect your child from these issue by intervening now.
Breastfeeding provides natural nutrition and function that encourages the proper development of a good airway as well as craniofacial development.
Naomi Hambleton will be closing the presentation with information on proper aftercare follow tongue tie and lip tie surgery and will discuss the personal struggles of women who are choosing breastfeeding for their babies.
You can learn more about tongue tie and lip tie surgery here: